Sunday, October 31, 2010

Does anyone else see a problem here?
I teach math in a middle school.  About a month ago, about 30 kids showed up to school wearing pajamas. The kind of pajamas you see above. The administration got upset, called the kids together during recess and I think they each got a one day detention.

Last Friday (October 29), Advisory teachers asked students to wear orange to school (if they were 8th graders) and black (7th grade).  If they wore their color, they received a piece of candy during Advisory.

Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What is school for?

What is school for?

Judging from a meeting I am attending at the moment, it is to teach kids how to pass standardized tests.

This complaint is trite - you've heard it 10^6 times. But I'm feeling it in my gut so strongly right now that I must scream and typing this post is preferable to actually screaming in this civilized atmosphere.

So what is school for? It's a place for young people to have the opportunity to develop their personality, their skills, their talents with the guidance of skilled, caring adults.

Please comment - what is school for?